• 9.30 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. Monday - Saturday
  • 7305038039 / 9840908480
  • No:3, 11th Cross Street, Telephone Nagar, Perungudi, Chennai – 600096
"Admissions open from Pre-Kg to Grade VIII - 2024 - 2025"


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Evaluation and Assessment


  • Our tiny tots are exposed to an environment of “Learning by doing”. Our specialty is “Thematic Learning”, wherein children learn all the subjects through a theme ensuring sharpening and fine tuning of gross motor, fine motor, cognitive and social skills . Continuous assessments are conducted to drive the concepts taught periodically.

For Grades 1 to 2

  • The level of attainment in literacy, Numeracy and scientific skills will be assessed through informal assessments, projects, show & tell, JAM sessions, storytelling, STS (Student to Student) and PPT Presentations on any topic at regular intervals.
  • A descriptive feedback about students on an individual basis is prepared by each facilitator periodically and we abreast the parents about their children.

For Grade 3

  • Along with informal assessments, three formal assessments and two formal end term exams during the academic year will be conducted to provide a standard data about the student’s progress.

For grades 4- 8

  • Three formal assessments during the academic year and two formal end term exams will be administered to provide a standard data about the student’s progress.

For grades 9 & 10

  • Interim Assessment
    The individual progress of each student from day one in the form of end of unit test / practical or skills based tests / homework or through class activity for the subjects specified in the program of study.
  • End of terms Assessment
    Cumulative assessments are designed to consolidate learning ,which formulate strengths and actions to focus on for the following year and to provide a standard data about the student’s progress.