• 9.30 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. Monday - Saturday
  • 7305038039 / 9840908480
  • No:3, 11th Cross Street, Telephone Nagar, Perungudi, Chennai – 600096
"Admissions open from Pre-Kg to Grade VIII - 2024 - 2025"

From the Principal’s Desk

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From the Principal’s Desk

Sai Srinivas Nandagopal, MA, M.Phil, CIDTL .

One of our supreme Indian Guru-Teacher, Swami Vivekananda believed in the eternal potential of humanity which develops from the knowledge of self. According to the Swami, “Education is the manifestation of perfection already in men.” But, it is also true that no educational pedagogy can have its desired effect without the ability of the person disposed to employ it, that is, the teacher

As stated in the Bhagvad Gita, (18.18)
ज्ञानं ज्ञेयं परिज्ञाता त्रिविधा कर्मचोदना
करणं कर्म कर्तेति त्रिविधः कर्मसंग्रहः

That is, the knower (student), the knowing (teacher) and the known (knowledge) constitute the triune stimulus to action. To create right action, teachers and students must work together on the battleground of values

Mindful of our legacy as a nation that is valued for its model of Guru-Shishya tradition, we, at Sankara Global Academy, Perungudi are aware of our responsibility and the faith placed in us by our parents and learners community. Here, at SSGA, we strive to create a thought-provoking, inclusive environment for every learner by promoting inquisitiveness over conformity and questioning over silence. Our motto is to empower our learners to develop into willful humans who can adapt to the modernity of this dynamic world yet deeply embedded within their cultural roots and thereby providing them a roadmap to the prospects for a better life through developing their potential.

As we look ahead to the future, we for eternity have understood that schooling is all about educating the whole child and we at SSGA, strive constantly to provide acquaintance to all the basic human skills, abilities, attitudes and beliefs that are essential for a prolific, triumphant and happy life. We identify that these goals are handpicked for our learners and our SSGA provides an environment in which teachers, parents, staff and others strive to best of their abilities and follow core morals that benefit the scholastic, non-scholastic, emotional and social needs of all our young minds.